Clyde Clybourn, MD

Conviva Cliff Drive

1211B E. Cliff Dr.

El Paso, TX 79902


Thomas Jefferson University

Languages spoken

  • English

Board certifications

American Board of Internal Medicine 2005

Dr. Clyde Clybourn joined Conviva as a board-certified internal medicine specialist. Dr. Clybourn has practiced internal medicine since 2005. At Conviva, he leads a team of compassionate, patient-focused primary care professionals with a dedication to medical excellence. Dr. Clybourn completed his internship and internal medicine residency training in 2002 at William Beaumont Army Medical Center while serving in the United States Army in El Paso, Texas. He earned his medical degree from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 2002. As an undergraduate, he received a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Loyola University in Baltimore, Maryland. In 2005, Dr. Clybourn was assigned to the 31 Air Defense Artillery Brigade as their Brigade Surgeon. He managed the 31st ADAs primary care needs and medical readiness until 2008 when he was honorably discharged from the Army. Since that time, Dr. Clybourn has worked in all aspects of internal medicine, both outpatient and hospital care. Outside of his work, he loves to spend time with his family, and he enjoys automotive motorsports and soccer.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 8220841
  • Alignment: CCG030TX11043391758
  • Allwell Medicare by Superior: 707514
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield: 1043391758
  • Cigna: 1043391758
  • Humana: 35776002S
  • Medicaid: 1939324
  • Medicare Railroad: P02161362
  • Medicare: 714478
  • WellPoint: 12345395
  • Wellcare: 2629146

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