Jose Aguinaga, PA

Conviva Kingsville

227 West Kleberg Ave.

Kingsville, TX 78363


Languages spoken

  • English
  • Spanish

Board certifications

Jose Aguiñaga is a practicing Physician Assistant with over two decades of healthcare experience. After retiring from the U.S. Navy, he joined the Kingsville Clinic practice and has served this community for over 20 years providing compassionate, patient-oriented medical care to Kingsville Clinic patients. Mr. Aguiñaga earned a bachelors degree in Physician Assistant Studies from the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. While stationed in Hawaii he earned a masters degree in Human Resource Management. Mr. Aguiñaga retired after 26 years of service, the last 8 years as a medical service physician serving as a Physician Assistant at various Naval and Marine Corp clinics.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 9161129
  • Allwell Medicare by Superior: 156454
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield: H08UR92201
  • Cigna: 1558464966
  • DeVoted: 1558464966
  • Humana: 018259
  • Medicaid: 1558464966
  • Medicare Railroad: Q00649898
  • Medicare: 1Z0873
  • Wellcare: 2760824

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