Miguel Angel Garcia-Blanco, MD

Conviva Plantation Square

1733 North University Dr.

Plantation, FL 33322


Instituto Superior De Ciencias Medicas De Villa Clara

Languages spoken

  • English
  • Spanish

Board certifications

Miguel Garcia Blanco, M.D., specializes in general medicine. At Conviva Hialeah, he leads a team of compassionate, patient-focused primary care professionals with a dedication to medical excellence. Dr. Garcia Blanco completed an internal medicine residency at the Teaching Hospital of the Provincial University of Medical Sciences in Villa Clara, Cuba and the University of Miami School of Medicine in Miami, Florida, USA. He earned his medical degree from the University of Medical Sciences Central University of Las Villas in Villa Clara, Cuba. Dr. Garcia Blanco is a member of the American Medical Association, AMA, and the Florida Medical Association, FMA. He enjoys kayaking, hiking, and equitation.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • Aetna: 5027771
  • AvMed: P1008817
  • CarePlus: 1134941
  • Cigna: 1356395743
  • Humana: 227762
  • Medicaid: 105741600
  • Preferred Care Network: 00010029101
  • Preferred Care Partners: 00010029101
  • United Healthcare: 00010029101
  • Wellcare: 484426

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